martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Thermal control strategies in high temperature industrial processes

The heat treatment processes are very important for the metalworking industry. Occasionally, they are integrated within the own manufacturing process and are intended to modify the properties of the material to facilitate its further processing. In other cases, the thermal conditioning is intended to improve the final properties of the product, finished or half-finished.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

Estrategias de registro y control térmico en procesos industriales con exigencias de muy alta tempertura

Los procesos de acondicionamiento térmico son una pieza clave de la industria metalmecánica. En ocasiones, forman parte del proceso productivo y tienen por objeto modificar las propiedades del material para facilitar su procesado. En otros casos, el acondicionamiento térmico está destinado a alterar las propiedades finales del producto, ya sea como semielaborado, o como producto acabado.

miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018

Environmental Liability Law reactivated: compulsory financial guarantee for the metal production and transformation sectors

Since the Spanish Environmental Liability Law (Law 26/2007) was published in 2007, the legal framework faced by organisations has undergone significant changes. This law established a new administrative regime for the prevention, avoidance and repair of environmental damage, so organizations that cause environmental damage or threats must take the mandatory measures to prevent them. Also, when the damage has already occurred, it must be repaired, and new damages avoided.